
ASCO Filtri jest firmą specjalizującą się w projektowaniu i produkcji filtrów procesowych oraz kompletnych systemów dla szerokiej gamy gałęzi przemysłu.
ASCO Filtri oferuję standardowe gamy filtrów oraz pakiety pod klucz, zaprojektowane i wyprodukowane zgodnie ze wszystkimi głównymi normami(ASME Section VIII Div. 1 & ", EN 13445, PED, U-STAMP 1 i 2 lub CE itp.), dla przemysłu ogólnego oraz naftowego, gazowego i petrochemicznego.

PPA: Absolute pleated

The PPA series cartridges are pleated filtration elements using polypropylene microfiber layers to gain maximum filtration area. Absence of resin or adhesive, conformity of materials to FDA and USP standards, as well as manufacture in certified clean room allow use of these cartridges on such critical applications pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and beverages or biotechnology.

PGA: Absolute pleated

The PGA series cartridges are pleated filtration elements using glass microfiber media thereby optimizing the filtration surface. It is an absolute media (99,98%), which can present even higher efficiency due to the properties of glass microfiber. The fiberglass pleated media offer higher dirt holding capacity and flow-rate if compared with pleated polypropylene cartridges

PSA: PES membrane

The PSA series is an advanced filter cartridge with pleated polyethersulfone membrane designed for high flow-rate thanks to the highly asymmetric hydrophilic membrane.

TFA: PTFE membrane

The TFA series cartridges are filter elements made with hydrophobic pure PTFE membrane. The mechanical resistance of PTFE, the chemical compatibility of virtually all solvents commercially available and its natural hydrophobic make this cartridge the optimal solution for the sterilization of gases and chemical blends.

NYL: Nylon 6.6 membrane

The NYL series is a filter cartridge with pleated highly hydrophilic nylon 6.6 membrane designed for pharmaceutical and fine chemical applications.

TFA: PTFE membrane

The PSW series is an advanced filter cartridge with pleated polyethersulfone or nylon 6.6 membrane, specifically designed for wine filtration. Available with borosilicate prefilter layer for colloidal removal or polypropylene prefilter layer for high temperature sterilization or chemical sanitization.